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Document Management, Confidentiality Compliance, and HIPAA Adherence

HIPAA is an everyday stressor in the healthcare industry. A computer-based recordkeeping system can help keep records secure and HIPAA compliant.  

For many in the health care industry, compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is an everyday stressor that dictates the actions and availability of information. However, HIPAA is necessary to protect the patients’ information and medical records. A violation of HIPAA could lead to lawsuits and large fees, which could cause a business or practice to close their doors.

The Challenge of Human Error

Unfortunately, even the perfect system is prone to human error, especially if you do not have integrated checks and balances that are part of a computer document management software.

Many facilities that are larger in size have already integrated their records into a computer-based record-keeping system. This type of software is especially helpful for the large volume of records that they keep on a daily basis. However, smaller healthcare facilities may want to consider a customized computer-based record-keeping system to stay HIPAA compliant.

Typically, most HIPAA violations happen without employees’ knowledge, or they are due to simple inexperience. Some of the most common HIPAA violations include:

Digital Solution for Record Keeping

Physical paper documents have a higher chance of being compromised because their very nature requires that you physically secure them. Within HIPAA, health facilities not only have to worry about who has access to patient information but for what reason.

While some electronic solutions can help healthcare facilities step away from paper options, such as a common or shared network drives, these do not provide the security needed to remain HIPAA compliant. HIPAA requires that digital solutions for handling patients’ personal information have almost cutting-edge security tools. Due to the private nature of patients’ information within the system, health facilities’ data is considered a prime target for hackers looking for targets with blackmail or ransomware.

Benefits of Moving to Digital Record-Keeping

Even for small health care facilities, there is a digital document management system that could fit the needs of the business while still being HIPAA compliant. Some of the benefits of digital record keeping are:

Privacy and HIPAA compliance can be challenging, but adding the right document management tools can help with the stress and pressure of protecting patients’ information.

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